Operator Doctor Alpay Yılmaz
Certificate registry number : 97711-67888-125435
Gynecologic – Oncology Surgeon
Gynecology and Obstetrician
Marmara University Medical Faculty ; Medical education in English.
Ege University Medical Faculty ; Education in field of Obstetrics and Gynecology
***Uludag University Medical Faculty ; Education in field of Gynecologic Oncology Surgery
Surgery of Obstetrics and Gynecology : (Transvaginal, laparotomic, and laparoscopic hysteerescopic)
Surgery of Gynecologic-Oncology : (Transvaginal, laparotomic, and laparoscopic hysterescopic)
Examples :
Operations of gynecologic-oncology ;
- Vulvectomy, inguinofemoral lymphadenectomy
- Debulking surgery
- Laparotomic/laparoscopic radical hysterectomy
- Laparotomic/laparoscopic retroperitoneal lymphnodal dissection
- Colposcopy, conisation,LEEP
- Parasynthesis
Operations of gynecology ;
- Hysterescopic operations (diagnostic, operative; polipectomy, myomectomy, removal of dislocated intrauterin device, septal resection )
- Laparotomic/laparoscopic tubal reanastomosis
- Vaginal hysterectomy
- Laparotomic, laparoscopic total/ subtotal hysterecyomy/salpingoopherectomy
- Laparotomic/laparoscopic myomectomy, cyctectomy, BTL
- Transobturator tape , cyctocel and rectocel operations, sacrospinous ligament fixation, sacrocolpopexy, lefort perinoplasty
Obstetric operations ;
- Vaginal delivery, operative delvery, abdominal delivery
- Cerclage
- Uterin curettage (for diagnostic and theropeutic purpose)