The Department of Neurology, İzmir Katip Çelebi University Atatürk Training and Research Hospital aims to provide the best quality health care services with experienced and educated staff.
In our team, we have 4 professors, 3 associated profesors, 2 assistant professors, 14 specialist doctors, 2 specialist doctors in clinical neurophysiology, 8 assistant doctors, 2 assistant doctors in clinical neurophysiology. Additionally, our department includes 2 psychologists, 2 physiotherapists, 3 technicians in electromyography (EMG), 9 technicians in electroencephalography and polysomnography, 44 nurses and 8 medical recording secretaries. Also, 4 specialist doctors and 1 specialist doctor areserving in the outpatient clinics of the outbuildings of the main hospital called Hatay and Basın Sitesi. Five doctors (3 professors and 2 specialists) have additionally Clinical Neurophysiology specialists and 6 doctors (1 professor, 1 assistant professor, 2 neurophyiologist and 1 specialist) have a special training in sleeping disorders.
Neurology Ward
We have 50 beds for the patients in the ward. In clinical Neurophysiology Department, there are 2 beds for video-EEG monitory,4 beds for polysomnography (PSG), 4 beds for daily patients. In Hatay outbuilding, we have 10 beds for the clinic patients and 2 beds for polysomnography investigations.
Neurological Intensive Care and Stroke Unit
There are 6 beds providing service for acute stroke patients and 11 beds for patients who need intensive care.
Clinical Neurophysiology Laboratory
We have 5 EMG, 1 transcranial magneticstimulator, and 2 EEG for the investigation of peripheral nevre diseases and epilepsy in the main neurophysiology laboratory . We are serving approximately 30-40 patients by EMG and 15-20 patients by EEG per day.
In sleep laboratory, there are 4 PSG for sleep disorders and 2 video-EEG monitory for the research and investigations of in tractable epilepsy patients or surgical epilepsy cases. In addition, Hatay outbuilding has 1 EMG, 1 EEG and 2 PSG.
Outpatient Clinics
We are serving approximately 250-300 patients per day in our outpatient clinic conducted by 7 specialist doctors. Neurophysiologicaltests are done by 2 psychologists. Moreover, policlinic pateints are seen by the doctors in outbuildings Hatay and Basın Sitesi. Also, we have prisioner outpatientclinic in the main building.
Academic Affiliations
As İzmir Katip Çelebi University has been affiliation with Health Ministry, academic personel provides medical training and education for medical students. Additionaly, this educational programme includes İKÇÜ Dentistry and Physiotherapy Faculties. Two academic personals gives fellowship education. Assistant doctors, specialists and nurses are educated systemically by the orical and practical lessons.
Our clinic has 4 professors ,3 associate professors,2 lecturers, 14 specialist physicians. The names of our staff specialist physicians are as follows ;
Professor.Dr. Tülay KURT İNCESU
Professor.Dr. Galip AKHAN
Professor.Dr. Yaprak SEÇİL
Professor.Dr. Yeşim BECKMANN
Associate Professor.Dr. Mehmet ÇELEBİSOY
Associate Professor.Dr. Şehnaz ARICI
Associate Professor.Dr. Nevin GÜRGÖR KANAT
Lecturer Dr. Hatice Sabiha TÜRE
Lecturer Dr. Cihat UZUNKÖPRÜ
Spc.Dr. Muhammed ÇALIŞKAN
Spc.Dr. Kader KIRKAN
Spc.Dr. Ahmet BAKIR
Spc.Dr. Erdem CENGİZ
Spc.Dr. Arda AKTAŞ
Spc.Dr. Tansel ÜNAL
Spc.Dr. Gözde NUR DOĞAN
Spc.Dr. Şule PEKER