Name Surname: Sezgin Vatansever
Birthday: 24.06.1978
Birth place: Bulgaria/Kırcali
Adress: 5546 sok No:5 Gaziosmanpaşa mah Çamdibi/İZMİR
Marital status : Married,1 child
Title: Specialist of Gastroenterology
Foreign language:English, Bulgarian, Russian
Hobies: Chess, Football, Swiming,Cinema, Documentary, Science, History and Philosophy
Education Status:
1995-2001 Ege University Faculty of Medicine
2002-2007 Ege University Faculty of Medicine, Specialization in Internal Medicine
2008-2011 Izmir Atatürk Training and Research Hospital, Specialization in Gastroenterology
Work Institutions
2007-2008 Manisa Sarigol State Hospital, Internal Medicine Specialist
2011 Muş State Hospital, Gastroenterologist
2011 Izmir Atatürk Training and Research Hospital, Gastroenterology Clinic
1- Comparison of alcohol dehydrogenase and aldehyde dehydrogenase gene polymorphism in Turkish alcoholics and healthy population
2- Investigation of Celiac disease prevalence in patients with primary biliary cirrhosis
1- Comparison of pancreatic morphology with endosonography in alcoholic cirrhotic patient who quitting alcohol and still alcohol consume. National Gastroenterology Congress 2012, Antalya, (Best poster, third prize)
2- Vanishing-type bile duct syndrome associated with azathioprine: two cases, Hepatology Congress 2013, Istanbul. (Best case award)
3- Board of Internal Medicine Examination, 2006
4- Board of Gastroenterology Examination, 2006, 2012
Training & Courses
1-One month training for liver transplantation at Ege University Medical Faculty Organ Transplant Clinic, 2009
2- Researcher Training Program, 2009, İzmir
3- Motilite Course, Ege University Faculty of Medicine, Gastroenterology Clinic, 2010
4- Medical Statistics Course, Ege University Faculty of Medicine, 2010
5- Thesis Trainings, İzmir Atatürk Training and Research Hospital, 2010
6- Basic ERCP Course, 2012, Ankara
7- Biostatistics Course, BUHASDER, 2014, Izmir
8-Training in the Transplantation Unit of the Kent Hospital of the Liver Transplantation certificate program projected by the Liver Transplantation Society (6 months), 2014
Professional Interests
- Endoscopic submucosal dissection
- Endoscopic mucosal resection
- Peroral endoscopic myotomy
- Submucosal tunelling endoscopic resection
- Liver diseases (diagnosis, disease monitoring, treatment)